We Must Trust Him


Do you ever feel like you are just knocking and knocking and getting no answers? I know I do sometimes. There are some unanswered prayers in my life, and there are some things that I know I have to war in the spirit for, and then there are some things that I’ve had to let go of, and just continue to trust God with it. 

Matthew 7:7 tells us, ““Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” Today, I’m asking, I’m seeking and I’m knocking! I encourage you to continue to Ask, Seek, and Knock until you feel a release. 

James 4:8 “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you,” When you Ask, Seek, and knock, you can also draw nearer to Him and become more in sync with His will, and His ways. Pray for wisdom, pray for spiritual intuition, pray that a fire gets inside of your soul, pray for your mind, pray for direction, and lastly, never give up. 

There are some things that I have prayed for, and God did not answer in the way that I had wanted Him to answer, but instead He took me down a different road. We must trust Him with His answer….when we ASK, SEEK, and KNOCK. 

So here I am today saying, “Hey God, it’s me again. I need some relief, I need some direction, I need a touch, and I need clarity in a situation. I need You to give me wisdom and spiritual discernment in a certain situation. Father, I can’t do today without You! I’m asking You, I’m seeking Your face, and I’m knocking on the door to Your heart.”

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