Moving Every Hour


Movement throughout the day is MORE important than doing a 30-minute workout in the morning or at the end of the day.

Yes, you read this correctly!!!

Taking movement breaks throughout your day will do MORE for your health, wellness & fitness than doing a workout.  

This is good news for some of you.

While others of you will have to readjust your thinking and viewpoint on workouts.

As a group exercise instructor for over 10 years, I certainly have had to readjust my thinking.  So many of us have the “go big or go home” mentality and that is not healthy.

It’s not about doing more….does this sound familiar????

It’s about doing less.

No, I’m not contradicting myself 🙂

More movement throughout the day – LESS extreme, hard core workouts.  Less 5 mile runs. Less back-to-back classes. Less of the “more is better” mentality

I’ve decreased my workout times and increased my movement hourly.  

My new average workout time is only 10-20 minutes.  On Saturdays, my hubby and I will do a longer workout – about one hour – but we are lifting weights.  

I was the cardio queen and the energizer bunny!!!!  Loved me some cardio. I’ve brought the cardio duration waaaaaaaaay down.  


I’m loving it!  

Here’s my challenge to you:

For the next 30 days, every hour that you are awake I want you to take a movement break.  Pick one of the following movements to do – make up your own – mix and match – but HAVE fun!!!

50 Jumping jacks
25-50 squats
Go up and down the stairs for 5 minutes
Go outside and walk for 5-10 minutes.
March in place for 5 minutes.
Turn on your favorite song and dance for 5 minutes.
Get on a rowing machine and row for 3 minutes.
Grab a Kettlebell and do 50 KB swings.
Do plank walk outs for 3 minutes.
Do burpees for 3 minutes.
Jog in place for 3 minutes.

Get creative!  How many ways can you move your body?  

If you have children at home, get them involved.  Do it together. Play a game of, “Simon Says” and each time let a different child be Simon.  Remember all those games we played as children, well….play them again.  

Each week I’m going to ask who’s been moving every hour.  

Let’s have fun while keeping healthy and well!

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