He Is With You


David was anointed. He killed a bear, a lion and then he killed Goliath and everyone was singing his praises……everyone except Saul, the King of Israel. David felt the sting of jealousy that was trying to destroy him. He didn’t understand what was going on. After all, he was anointed, and he had done all of these great things so why was everything falling apart now. Why was Saul trying to destroy him. This is where David’s faith and trust in God was tested. He found himself hiding in caves, and running from Saul, and didn’t know who he could trust. He was in a tough place. 

Do you need a miracle, do you need hope, do you need something more than just a “You will get through this” word from someone. You need to see some light in the darkness like now! Maybe you feel like David..almost hopeless, stressed, anxious, and wondering what is going to happen next. 

Walking through dark seasons in life isn’t what we plan for. 
Sitting in dark hospital rooms isn’t what we want.
Signing divorce papers isn’t what we thought would ever happen.
Watching someone we love deeply being incarcerated isn’t what we envisioned for their life. 
Being told we are being let go from our job isn’t what we need right now.
The dream we were excited about seems to be going no where. 
That spark and passion that you once had has gone out and you are feeling lifeless. 

David cried out to God many times and he even asked Him where He was because he felt alone, scared, depressed and frustrated. He was in a rough season, but he got through it, and so will you! 

Psalm 23 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for YOU are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

Be Vigilant

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