Guard Your Heart


The South American vine called “Matador.” Is a vine that begins at the foot of a tree.  As it grows, it wraps tendrils around the tree that grow larger and clasp tighter as it climbs skyward, eventually killing the tree. Ironically, Matador in Spanish means, “Killer.” What you are tolerating may seem harmless because it seems to be just a small thing to you. But if it continues to grow, it will clasp itself around your heart and eventually kill the soul. What you allow to take root will eventually spread and spiritually contaminate your heart. 
In the past, I have allowed things to get inside of my heart, and I allowed these things to fester until it started taking over my life . I thought I had control over it, but I quickly learned that I had to confront it if I wanted to soar like an Eagle. By not confronting these things, you take the risk of destroying your heart, mind and soul. (This affects your relationships, your purpose, your dreams, and your calling) Daily, you must protect your heart from offenses, hurts, betrayals, temptations and sin. Be vigilant, and cut it off at the root so you can soar and do what God is calling you to do! 
 “Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life.” Proverbs 4:23

Be Vigilant

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