Count it all, Joy!


As we hurry through life at breaking speed, we tend to burn out quickly and feel as if we never achieve. Why is this? We know we are busier than ever before so you would think we are accomplishing more. However, daily, we never feel like we have achieved anything. Most of us are doing so much, yet we do not stop to see the wins in our lives. 

In the KJV, James 1:2 states; Count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. 

Some translations use the word trails, test, or challenges in the place of temptations. I can safely say we face some from of these words every single day, but most of us are not counting them. If we count these trails, then it will produce endurance for the journey. Many people lose hope in the journey because they do not count the test or trails of each day. Challenges look like this: meal planning, coordinating kids schedules, prayer time, devotion, grocery shopping, work, meeting a deadline, paying bills, cleaning the house, maintaining our marriage and friendships, keeping our family in clean clothes and the challenges go on. 

If one does not know what a win is, then one can never celebrate along the way. So I ask you, what is a success in your life? Maybe it is to get out of debt, raise good kids, have a great marriage, or be a successful career person. That all sounds good, but those often seem so far away that we lose the joy in the journey and never celebrate the moments that get us to these ultimate goals.

How can we count the wins? Start by stating what the daily wins will look like. Maybe a win looks like just getting the kids to school and doing one load of laundry. Celebrate that win! You survived the day, and so did everyone in your family. 

Maybe a win in your marriage is to have a connecting moment with your spouse in the day. It may be a note or a compliment or a simple hug to let them know you believe in them.  

Prioritizing is a must. Once you know what is vital in your day, then decide what it will look like when you have finished those things. That is a win! Celebrate those daily. I understand some days it is a win that everyone ate even if it was a pop tart and a fast food meal. They are still alive! Celebrate the victory. You can cook that healthy meal another day, but today you had a win!

I hope you will look at today and count your wins! When you celebrate the victories, life will feel most enjoyable along the way, and you will have the strength to finish in the long run. Count it Joy!

Adina Keating
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist-Associate

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